
5-waahanga wehewehe Mindray BC 5150

5-waahanga wehewehenga Mindray BC 5150 Whakaahua Whakaatu

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Ingoa Hua:5-waahanga rereke Mindray BC 5150 utu
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Tauira Nama:Mindray BC 5150
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Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua

Nga Taipitopito Tere

Nga Tikanga Tikanga Impedance mo te RBC me te PLT te tatau Cyanide reagent kore utu mo te whakamatautau hemoglobin Flow Cytometry (FCM) + Tri-koki taiaho marara + Waikano matū

Te Whakapai me te Tukunga

Taipitopito mokete: Paerewa mokete kaweake
Nga korero tuku: i roto i nga ra mahi 7-10 i muri i te whiwhinga o te utu


5-waahanga rerekee Mindray BC 5150 utu BC-5150 Auto Hematology Analyzer Hangarau Whakatakotoranga Tikanga Impedance mo te RBC me te PLT tatau Cyanide reagent kore utu mo te whakamatautau hemoglobin Flow Cytometry (FCM) + Tri-angle laser scatter + Tae matū Tawhā25 tawhā: WBC, Lym%, Mon%, Neu%, Bas%, Eos%, Lym#, Mon#, Neu#, Eos#, Bas#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV , RDW-SD, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, P-LCR, P-LCC.4 tawhā rangahau tae atu ki te LIC%, LIC#, ALY%, ALY# 3 histograms mo WBC, RBC me PLT Reagent M-52D Diluent, M-52DIFF Lyse, M-52LH Lyse, Probe Cleanser Performance Parameter Linearity Range Precision Carryover WBC 0- 500×10 9 /L ≤2% (4-15×10 9 /L) ≤0.5% RBC 0-8×1012/L ≤1.5% (3.5-6.0×1012/L) ≤0.5% HGB 0-250g/ L ≤1.5% (110-180g/L) ≤0.6% PLT 0-5000×10 9 /L ≤6.0% (100-149×10 9 /L) ≤1.0% ≤4.0% (150-500%) L) Rōrahi Tauira Aratau kua whakakorehia 20 μL Aratau toto katoa 15 μL Aratau toto katoa Capillary 15 μL Whakaputa 60 tauira mo ia haora Whakaatu 10.4 inihi TFT Touch Screen5-waahanga wehewehenga Mindray BC 5150 utu Maha-reo Hainamana, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, French, Bahasa Indonesia Raraunga Rokiroki Raraunga Tae atu ki te 40,000 nga hua tae atu ki nga korero tau me nga whakairoiro Whakawhitiwhiti tauranga LAN e tautoko ana i te kawa HL7 Atanga USB, Tautoko LAN bi- Tuhinga LIS arongaWaahanga Waahanga pūreretā / Taiaho pūreretā / Inkjet pūreretā, momo Te Taiao Whakahaere Te pāmahana: 10°C~30°C Haumākū: 20%~85% Air pēhanga: 70 kPa~106 kPa Power whakaritenga 100V-240V 50Hz/60Hz Ahu me te Taumaha Hohonu( 400 mm) x whanui(320 mm) x teitei(410 mm) Taumaha :24kg

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