Nga korero tere
Lumen: kotahi, takirua, toru
Rahi Catheter: He rereke
Te roa o te Catheter: 5cm, 8cm, 10cm, 13cm, 16cm, 20cm, 30cm
Dilator: He rereke
Aratohu: He rereke
Te Whakapaipai me te Tukunga
Taipitopito mokete: Paerewa mokete kaweake Nga korero tuku: i roto i nga ra mahi 7-10 i muri i te whiwhinga o te utu |
Central Venous Catheter |CVC Catheter AMS001
Lumen: kotahi, takirua, toru
Rahi Catheter: He rereke
Te roa o te Catheter: 5cm, 8cm, 10cm, 13cm, 16cm, 20cm, 30cm
Dilator: He rereke
Aratohu: He rereke
Central Venous Catheter |CVC Catheter AMS001
AM TEAM pikitia
Nau mai ki te
Mena kei a koe etahi tono mo nga taputapu rongoa, priihi pai ki te whakapā
Waiho to Karere:
Tuhia to korero ki konei ka tukuna mai ki a matou.