Mindray Z60 Hubinta Soo-saarka Qiimaha Nidaamka Ultrasound ee la qaadi karo oo leh Sawirka Ultrasound Sare ee Daryeelka Caafimaadka
Z60 waa iskaanka-waqtiga dhabta ahultrasound device for those who require high-quality image performance, ease of mobility, as well as affordability when it comes to advanced ultrasound imaging. With comprehensive configurations and an integrated design, the Z60 is the result of Mindray’s continuous and determined efforts towards making primary healthcare more efficient, effective and accessible for all.
Iskudubarid Dhamaystiran | Naqshad isku dhafan oo leh adabtarada korantada AC · 15 inch design screen full 60 digrii xagal leexinaysa kormeere la hagaajin karo · Ugu badnaan 3 isku xidhayaasha transducer caalami ah · 500GB Hard disk ah oo loogu talagalay kaydinta xogta bukaanka waaweyn · 1.5 saac oo sawir ah oo batari dib la buuxin karo |
Codsiga Alaabta
Tilmaamaha Alaabta
Waxqabadka | PSH (Isbeddelka Wajiga Harmonic Sawirka) iBeam iClear iPage iLive Waji caqli badan Smart OB iScape ExFOV B-Steer |
Socodka shaqada | iStorage IMT (Qodhka Intima-Media) iTouch iZoom Saldhigga iWorks |
Transducers | C6-2P, 3C5P, 6C2P, 7L4BP, 7L4P, 7L5P, L14-6P, D6-2P, 6CV1P, V10-4BP, CB10-4P, 6LE7P |
Transducers Ikhtiyaarka
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